Chicken rate today

Chickens are not expensive

Since the rates of products in markets are almost not varrieble and it change not for big amount and remain almost constant.
But when we talk about kitchen products and specially those which have high rate of consuming everyday, it place a big comma between the other prices and this prices.
Because there is a great difference between other products and eating products.
We will reveal chicken prices in many cities in Pakistan specially Lahore which have high rate of searches in Google:
Chicken rate today 4 jun 2022 in different cities are as follow:
Chicken rates today

Chicken rate today in Lahore city:

From about one or two months since Ramadan started and then Eid came the chicken prices are not constant anymore and it's changing day by day.
Today's chicken rate in Lahore is mentioned here:

Name         Max-price:   Min-price:  Date:

Chicken     436/kg             450/kg       4 jun 
Price                                                        2022

Lahore city price notification:

Not available!

Chicken rate Today in Multan city:

Since Multan is not a big city as Lahore city hence where Lahore city has multiple recipes and dishes, Multan city has a low chicken consumption then Lahore city and hence Multan have high rates in chicken it's as follow as mentioned:

Name      Max-price:   Min-price:    Date:

Chicken     480/kg         500/kg         4 jun
Price                                                     2022

Chicken rate today in Karachi city:

Therefore Karachi is not a small City but Karachi is expensive and it have multiple reasons so Karachi prices are little more high:

Name      Max-price:   Min-price:    Date:

Chicken     410/kg         425/kg         4 jun
Price                                                     2022

Chicken rate today in Pakistan's various city here were for you! Hence we have a website about food so here we will latest updates about chicken rates today in Pakistan every day!

Thank you and have a nice day:-)

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